About Our Founder

About Rob

Founder of Happy.degree

Rob’s happiness journey has been challenging, including a battle with pneumonia. Through his experiences, he realized that true happiness is a resilient state of being, independent of external circumstances. Rob founded Happy.degree to share simple practices and perspectives that help others achieve lasting happiness. His mission is to cultivate a world filled with love-based happiness, moving beyond fear and scarcity, ultimately creating a happier planet.

Robert "Rawb Love"

2009 – Knightsbridge Institute, 1st 6 month professional Hypnotherapy Certification

2009 – 1st Reiki I&II Certification (energy healing)

2011 – Brilliant U, NLP Practitioner Certification (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

2012 – NLP Pacific, NLP Masters Certification

2012 – NW Hypnosis Institute, 2nd 6 month professional Hypnotherapy Certification

2014 – 2019 – Michael Grinder & Associates (MGA), Non-Verbal Communication

2019 – 2nd Reiki I&II Recertification

2019 – Certified Channel

2024 – Life Inventory Assessment (LIA) Certified Coach

Rob's coaching profile:
Rob's Other Websites:

I created Happy.degree because I am passionate about helping humanity become happier.


Because I know it is our way forward.

Happiness may seem trivial; however, I know it is not – it’s the key to everything.

Now I’m not talking about the “I got a new car” kind of happy. That can be awesome when we acquire things, and there is nothing wrong with that; however, that type of happiness typically fades.

I’m talking about the kind of happiness that sticks with you no matter what. When the chips are down, when it’s hard, when it seems like everybody hates you… can you be happy then?

That is what I wish for you.

Happiness that sticks – no matter what.

Now maybe the word “happy” doesn’t really work for you – and that’s okay, choose a word that works for you.

Maybe “peace” or “stillness” or “whatever you’d like to call it” – it’s that sense that “I am okay” no matter what, I know somehow it will all work out.

Does that fit for you?

Does that seem possible?

I assure you, it is.

Well, this page is supposed to be about me and there I go making this about you. Well, I’m okay with that. This is about you and your happiness. That is what drives me. I wish to see a planet filled with love-based happy people as opposed to the fear-based (survival, scarcity, competition) world we’ve all become so accustomed to. And I know this is possible. I feel it is inevitable, unavoidable – I feel this is where we are all headed; some just need a little direction.

Okay, okay – about me…

On Aug. 24, 2021, I was in the emergency room and declined resuscitation.

I didn’t want to live anymore. I was exhausted, depleted, broke, sick with pneumonia, and the negative thoughts were overwhelming – like the devil was in my ear.

I spent the next two weeks in the hospital, sleeping usually only after passing out, just trying to make it through the next five minutes. I really had desire for nothing; I forced myself to eat. I was definitely at my lowest point.

I’ve had other low points in my life too. I’ve felt like I was in a fish bowl at times, looking out at the world, seeing happy people living their lives, but I had no access to it – completely disconnected from that “happy” part of myself.

I also should mention that I had a spiritual teacher, back in the early 2000s, tell me I was afraid of being happy. Initially, I thought that was the goofiest thing I ever heard, but I trusted her, and she was the top psychic in the area – the kind that law enforcement called to help find missing people among her many other talents. So I explored it and sure enough, I uncovered a childhood fear of being too bright, shiny, and happy because some of the people around me at the time didn’t like that. I suspect it accentuated their unhappiness in some way. For me, as a kid, it felt like life or death – so I learned not to outshine anyone around me. And thus, I became afraid of being too happy.

There are also lots of other behaviors I adopted from people I grew up around that were also not supportive of feeling happy. Nothing against any of these individuals. I understand that we’re all just doing our best and while we are children, we are on “record,” picking up all of those unspoken beliefs, habits, traits, etc., of those around us – which then become our nonconscious (unconscious, subconscious) mind (those parts we are not consciously aware of), those parts of ourselves that drive our automatic actions, behaviors, emotions, and decisions we make without thinking about it.

So, I’ve been there. I “get it.”

Have I had it the worst? No, absolutely not. Many have had it so much worse than I. And many don’t make it out, in this lifetime.

Now, we don’t need to be in a concentration camp, under horrific conditions, finding the beauty in a fish head floating in warm water, like Viktor Frankl describes in his book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” – to find our version of happiness.

And I’ve come to understand that everything boils down to perspective.

For some, getting a blue convertible BMW instead of a red one is the end of the world or not being able to go to the prom or any number of other things.

And it is not our place to judge another’s pain or misery. The point is, I’ve had my pain, I’ve had my unhappiness – is my life perfect? No. Will it ever be? I don’t know, probably not.

But what I do know is that I don’t have to push against anything.

I can accept what is, feel my emotions, allow them to flow (move, release, experiencing them as is), and quickly find my way back to a baseline of happiness (peace, love, stillness, okay-ness).

And I know you can too.

How do I know this?

Because I’ve helped others do it too.

I’ve developed some simple practices and perspectives that have worked for people.

Does that mean it will work for everyone? Probably not.

But if you are willing to try, it can work for most.

My wish for you is for you to be happier.

Together, as we do our work, collectively – we will make a happier planet.

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