Happier How-to

6 Simple Steps to a Happier You

that anyone can follow.

YOU and Your Happiness MATTER!

We are delighted you’re here. Happiness is a journey, and we’re honored to be a part of yours. This guide will walk you through six simple steps to help you become happier. Each step is designed to be clear, concise, and actionable, supporting you in building a happier, more fulfilling life. WHY? Because a 🙂 Happier You = Happier Planet! 🌎

FREE Download: 6 Simple Steps to a Happier You

Download, print, and write all over the “6 Simple Steps to a Happier You” guide to make these steps your own as you embark on your journey to a happier you.
Anything is possible


Believe in Your Potential for Happiness + Shift Your Perspective

If you don’t believe getting happier is possible for you, how do you expect to achieve it? The first step is recognizing that a happier you is within your reach.
Here’s some things for you to consider:

Is becoming happier possible for you?

Find stories of others who have successfully become happier. Their journeys can offer hope and proof that improving your degree of happiness is possible. Here are some suggested books and movies for you to consider and contemplate upon:

  • 📚 BOOKS: for your consideration.
    • Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl
      • NOTE: This contains disturbing stories of the Holocaust, but it shows a person’s capacity to see beauty anywhere.
    • Learning to Love Yourself: Finding Your Self-Worth” by Gay Hendricks
    • The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin
  • 🎥 MOVIES: to contemplate and consider.
    • Happy” (2011, documentary), 🔗: Tubi, IMDB
    • Groundhog Day” (1993), 🔗: Tubi, IMDB
What you focus your attention upon shapes your reality. Scientifically, this is because your Reticular Activating System (RAS) filters and prioritizes sensory information, making you notice more of what you’ve previously focused on.” Can you see how this can work for or against you? Use it for your benefit, contemplate these questions:
  • 🤔 Get curious and genuinely ponder these questions:
    • HOW CAN I get happier?
    • What would it take for me to feel happier?
    • What could I do, think, notice, practice, or adjust to feel happier?
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
Do you KNOW that becoming happier is possible for you? If not, start by finding examples and sources of hope that inspire you. We’ve given you some suggestions and ideas to build upon.
Please know that

Anything is possible.

It may take time, it may take effort, but YOU CAN do this!

You Got This!

Step #2) DECIDE & ACT: Start NOW!

Make Happiness a Priority + Take Steps Now ⭐ Super Important!

We need to be realistic here. If you don’t make a decision and make it important, how can you expect to succeed? Decide that your happiness is important and take action immediately:

Every action is a step closer.

Outline simple steps you can take towards a happier you.
Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Start with a small action today (right now).
“Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso
Make a firm decision to prioritize your happiness and take your first steps now.

Always take immediate action after making a decision.
💪 Feel empowered! ⚡

This point cannot be overstated. As humans, we naturally default to familiar patterns and “normal” behavior. To effect real change, we must FOCUS. Take a POWERFUL STEP by doing the following:

📣 DECLARE it to the world: Take a powerful step towards what you want by SPEAKING ON IT!

💡 Post this online, “I AM working on becoming HAPPIER! #HappierYouHappierPlanet”

We Believe in You


“Keep going.” – everyone

Information is Power

Step #3) GET HONEST: How Happy Are You?

🔑 KEY STEP: Assess Your Current Happiness + Take The Assessment

If you don’t know where you are at right now, how can you plot a path to where you are going? Honesty with yourself about your current degree of happiness is crucial:

The Life Inventory Assessment (LIA)

Use the Life Inventory Assessment (LIA) to get an exact quantification of your perceived happiness and fulfillment levels – LIA is quick & very useful for this.
  • LIA is a one of a kind tool and a breakthrough in happiness assessments.
  • In just 15-20 minutes, you organize 13 life categories in order of priority, then answer 5 well-being multiple choice questions for each.
  • The result is a visual snapshot of your life with numbers and the stats you need.
  • There is no other tool like it, that we know of.
YOU CAN Get Your Life Inventory Assessment HERE.

Consider your emotions and daily experiences to gauge your happiness.

“You can’t get to where you want to go unless you know where you are.” – Unknown
Determine how happy you are at this moment. Use assessments and self-reflection to understand your starting point.

The Assessment is available to you for when you are ready to take action.

  • Invest 15-20 minutes of your time, take your Life Inventory Assessment – and find out:
    • Your exact perceived degree of happiness (fulfillment), overall + in 13 life categories.
    • Where your low-hanging fruit is for becoming happier + improving your life.

Please make sure you KNOW your current degree of happiness!

This will be your initial baseline you will build from.

Information is POWER!

Your Ah-ha Moment Awaits You.

“You can’t get to where you want to go unless you know where you are.” – unknown

FOCUS Your Attention

Step #4) SET a Happiness GOAL

Define Your Happiness Destination + Share It with Someone You Trust

Without a goal, how will you know if or when you’ve arrived? Setting a S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) happiness growth goal is essential:

Need some help?

Consider hiring a professional happiness coach.

Once you are clear about where you are at (you completed in Step #3) we can determine and set our first happiness goal. Remember to be “SMART” about it:
  • Specific: Clearly define what being happier looks like for you.*/**
  • Measurable: Determine how you will measure your progress.*/**
  • Achievable: Set realistic and attainable goals.**
  • Realistic: Ensure your goals are practical and relevant to your life.**
  • Timely: Set a timeframe for achieving your goals.**
👉 *The Assessment helps with this. / **Happiness Coaching helps with this.

Individuals with clear, written goals are 10 times more likely to succeed than those without goals. – Harvard Business Study

From where you are at (determined in step 3), set a S.M.A.R.T. Happiness Goal. 📝 Write it down and commit to it.

Get a friend or a coach to help you with this step, for ideas and accountability.

FOCUS Your Attention

FOCUS Towards What You Want

If you keep moving towards a goal, you will get there – keep going.

Success Favors the Persistent

Step #5) TRACK Your Happiness PROGRESS

Monitor Your Journey + Schedule Your Assessment Retakes

If you aren’t monitoring your progress, how will you know how you are doing, if you need to adjust, and if/when you’ll get there? Regular tracking helps you stay on course:

Schedule Time for YOU.

Take subsequent assessments periodically (weekly or monthly is suggested) to monitor your progress. The Assessment works great for this:
  • It only takes 15-20 min.
  • You can compare your results.

Use your progress data to make necessary adjustments.

However, stay on course and give your strategies ample time to work.  Some of this just takes a little persistence – don’t change directions too often.  You will get there if you just keep at it.

A Harvard Business Review study found that employees who regularly tracked their progress towards goals were 20% more likely to achieve them.

In your calendar 📅, pre-schedule assessment retakes to track progress and growth.

If you need help with tracking, assessment retake reminders, and progress reflections, consider hiring a professional growth coach or empower a friend to support you with this.

Keep Going

Success Favors the Persistent

“Infinite patience produces immediate results.” – unknown

Your Tribe Awaits You

Step #6) JOIN a Happiness COMMUNITY

Find Your Tribe + Engage, Be Active, & Support Others

You don’t have to try and do this alone. Having a supportive community can make a significant difference:

The "Happier You" CommUNITY

Join happiness communities available to you now and engage with other members.

Something magical happens when we engage with a supportive community, especially when we invest ourselves in helping others in a way that empowers us and them.

Consider getting a Happiness Coach to guide you.

Why?  Most coaches have coaches of their own because they know it’s very difficult to “see your own stuff”.

Good coaches can see the problem.

Great coaches craft meaningful “ah-ha moments” specifically designed for each individual – so the client discovers their solutions, as if by magic.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Connect with others who are on a similar journey. Share your experiences, ask questions, and celebrate your progress together.
Join the “😊 Happier YOU 😁…” community on Telegram: https://t.me/HappierYou — See you there!

👉 Consider working with a Happiness Coach. ✨
You're Not Alone

Your Tribe Awaits You

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

For Your Consideration


for YOU to consider.

Only you know if/when you are ready for any of these next steps.

Take an Assessment

Life Inventory Assessment (LIA)

"The Assessment", a.k.a. the Life Inventory Assessment (LIA for short) offers a comprehensive overview of your happiness across 13 life categories and 5 well-being measures. In just 15-20 minutes, create a visual "life map" that highlights your strengths and areas for growth. The detailed 80+ page report guides you on where to adjust to increase your fulfillment and happiness.

Join The Community

The "Happier You" CommUNITY

The "Happier You" CommUNITY on Telegram is a vibrant space for individuals committed to enhancing their happiness. Join to share experiences, gain support, and access valuable resources. Connect with like-minded people, participate in discussions, and find inspiration to foster personal growth and well-being in a positive, encouraging environment.

Explore Coaching

Professional Happiness Coaching

Professional Happiness Coaching is a personalized service designed to help individuals achieve greater well-being and fulfillment. By working with a certified coach, clients gain insights, set meaningful goals, and develop strategies to enhance their happiness. This supportive relationship fosters personal growth, resilience, and a deeper sense of purpose and joy.

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